Jupiter Over Saturn ~ 29 Mar 2018

There’s a planetary equation presently in play. Without fighting with online symbol coding and posting an equation certain to freeze brains into cramps for those who bear the banner of math impaired, here’s how it goes down:

Jupiter over Saturn, times the number of conscious Martian bursts divided by the intention of Pluto squared. I know, right?

Missives have been drifting through the ozone that sound like, “There was all that great, galactic energy last year, and I’m not pushing forward any major gizmo or idea... and when I look at the world, I’m not sure I’m seeing altruism or advancement. Sure maybe a pocket of progress here or there, but overall... what the hey?”

Fair enough. However, there is a slight hint and overall consciousness is picking up... and not just because the Chinese space station is falling from the sky, or that airliners have been reporting UFO activity over Arizona. It’s fair to realize where we are in the cosmic scheme of things.

In 2020, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjoin in Capricorn, each of them with their turn(s) squaring Eris in Aries. We are preparing for that.

True last year Saturn transited a series of black holes in Sagittarius culminating with his multiple passages to the Galactic Center. Now he’s moved onto Capricorn matters - you know, real world grounded stuff - the stuff that allows you to say that “at the end of the day” things are better. Concurrently, Jupiter navigates Scorpio.

A couple of things about Jupiter...

First, he is the lord of the lords, according to classical mythology. He can set it straight for any planet gone off the rails (seemingly off the rails, honestly they’re always in a perfect big picture revolution about the Sun), no matter how angry, cantankerous or disruptive that planet, asteroid, dwarf planet or minor solar system body intends to be.

Second, in the sign of Scorpio he’s doing some of his best work behind the curtain. Yes, unseen forces are conspiring to work things out behind the scenes. Should that not provide you with optimism, then consider the stimulation of the big guy in all of the flavors of Scorpio. He’s stirring and basting, stewing and brewing in some “interesting” places in ones consciousness. He’s actually inspiring folks to come up with knowledge and belief systems as to why those feared attributes of the domain of Scorpio come about in the first place.

Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto, intend to remind Jupiter while he leisurely sips libations with them, they are frustrated with folks who resist a deep dive down into Scorpio to get into, sort out and savor the true essence of the sign. Jupiter replies he’s clearly aware that some do not use the fullest of Mars’ and Pluto’s potentials. He already knows that. Then he points to humankind and asks, “How do you propose to get them fully engaged?”

While Mars and Pluto trade looks, Jupiter suggests that they pitch the idea of passion. Take a long look inside until what you crave, yearn, desire and feel you cannot live without doing is found. Let the drive to follow through on the craving fester. Let it stew and co-mingle with all the elements and forces in life that need to be included. Give time to sort what individuals share similar passions, agendas and intentions. Then commit, better yet promise to invoke the “other Pluto” Orcus to ensure you remain true to the declaration. Orcus holds dominion over oaths, promises and intentions, and those who either fulfill or disavow those proclamations and he awards and rewards those participating commensurate with the participation.

Those persons presently percolating have the potential to produce a strong brew that will be ready to pour and perhaps quench tastes a tier more sophisticated than the palate of last year. As days go by and new needs surface, attention can be steered toward satisfying those needs - whether internal emotional and spiritual needs or global physical needs or the needs of collective consciousness.

Essentially if you feel Jupiter in Scorpio and petition to Pluto multiple times over (like squaring or adding exponential emphasis), and if that is combined with a clear concept that is rocking good and ripping with passion (Jupiter in Scorpio), and if the cornerstone and the consciousness applied to developmental plans is solid (Saturn in Capricorn), and if Mars energy surges are engaged and asserted as needed, for as long as the energy is required, and if those energies are applied on a consistent basis, the equation above promises grand solutions.

Come early November, for slightly more than one year, Jupiter travels Sagittarius. During that entire transit, both Saturn and Jupiter, planets that translate between personal and transpersonal realms and mitigate real world realities within the essence of universal consciousness, occupy signs they rule. The collective flow feels like a better fit. Some of the scary forecasts evaporate into resolvable realities. Those plotting, projecting and promulgating soon get to reap rewards.

Here’s to percolation...

More soon!!